Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Last week my big monkey spent the week with his Nana and Papa so that he could attend VBS without an addition trip back to get him from town. The lil' monkey was particulary thrilled with this plan as it allowed him access to the FORBIDDEN room. You know, his brother's room. He was so happy- he dumped every toy in the floor and then he giggled with glee.

I noticed one night that he was particulary quiet, not a good sign with a two year old. So, I walked in and found him in the money bowl. Let me explain the money bowl. For the longest time we have always dropped whatever silver change we have into a bowl and kept it for the boys (out of reach, or so we thought)

Lil Monkey had found the bowl and his little dump truck and was having a high ho time. He was filling up the dump truck then driving to the edge of the desk and dumping his load in the floor. When I say load we have two larger butter bowls filled with silver change- A BIG MESS.

However, instead of freaking out, it got me to thinking about how I would like to have a life size dump truck load of silver to help with the gas prices. So here's the mini version of what we have...


If anyone would like to donate the life size version, please feel free to e-mail immediately... :)

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