Friday, October 17, 2008

Garrison-2 1/2wks

Oh my goodness- really. This little man was born at 12lbs 11ounces. Today I went to see him and he is over 13lbs at just a bit over 2 weeks. So cute, so chubby. You should hear his older brother Connor (almost 4yrs) say "chubby chweeks" it's so funny.

This baby was up all night long last night according to mom so when I arrived he was asleep and the little guy slept the entire time I was there. I told mom to be prepared for about 2hrs for the session. Boy, was I ever wrong. Garrison, your the man!


Baby Garrison
Big Brother Connor (who I owe like five lollipops)

and we grabbed a few shots of them together..

Thanks Amy! Garrison is ADORABLE and Connor was so good. Oh, BTW, thanks Connor for the cupcake your so sweet.

Editors note: Connor brought me a cupcake in the middle of the session and told me it was for more to eat when I got home. I secretly think it might have been part of his plan to get one too. :)

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